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Digital marketing strategies for local businesses.

Top Digital Marketing Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve

As every local agency knows, change is a constant in the world of digital marketing. Everything from the marketing channels you target to the local SEO software you use is evolving continuously. For brands to remain relevant and competitive, they must stay agile and keep up with emerging technologies and trends. Integrating these new approaches with timeless strategies is a tried and true way to succeed in today’s digital marketing environment.

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What Local Marketing Strategies Are Working Right Now?

Recognizing the trends worth following and the strategies that are likely to provide positive results is a challenge. By working with local marketing experts like Advice Local, you can leverage proven tools and methods trusted by a wide range of partners and sites. Here are some of the strategies we recommend using today.

Embrace Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools help agencies streamline the management of client websites and Google Business Profiles (GBP), as well as other platforms. By integrating technology you can improve efficiency, automate tasks and make data-driven decisions. Take our own listing management software and directory network as an example. Rather than expending time and money in building such a network, you can simply tap into our finely-tuned solution.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

Whether you’re building citations or creating content, Google and other platforms have made it clear that quality will be rewarded over quantity. If your approach to promoting a local business client involves getting citations from every available directory, that tactic needs to be reconsidered. Instead, build links with high-quality authority sites and only publish content that offers value to the target audience.

Target Consumers Wherever They Are Active

Online marketing helps businesses reach customers where they are most responsive. For example, a local company will benefit from reaching those nearby who are searching via GPS mapping or in-dash apps. Whether conducting local searches or checking reviews, understanding where consumers are active makes it easier to reach them.

Use Omnichannel Marketing

A consistent marketing strategy over multiple channels provides an uninterrupted customer experience. You want consumers to see a cohesive brand identity across a business website, social media, search engines, business directories and mobile apps. Consequently, they will develop a stronger connection with the brand, and this leads to increased trust, loyalty and conversions.

Optimize for Voice Search

In recent years the way that people search for businesses and information has evolved (and this change is on-going). Voice searches using virtual assistants typically reward more conversational content. Voice app technology helps you manage clients’ content for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and others.

Don’t Limit Your Marketing to Google

There’s an understandable tendency to focus digital marketing efforts exclusively on Google as Google Search, Maps and GBP are crucial for local business marketing. However, don’t miss out on the many additional options – local directories like BubbleLife, DexKnows, Bing Places for Business and Yelp, along with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Guard Your Business’ Reputation

A business’ online reputation is more important than ever. Poor reviews and a diminished brand reputation will impact visibility in Google, and make customers think twice when deciding which product or service to buy. A review monitoring tool gives a direct insight into customer sentiment, and also lets you clean up many issues with quick review responses.

Top-Rated Local SEO Software for Digital Brands

At Advice Local, we create cutting-edge software for agencies and local marketers. From listing management to review monitoring, our products help businesses get more traffic and protect their brand reputation. To get started, call (214) 310-1356 or request a demo.