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How to Tailor Blog Content for Local Search

How to Tailor Blog Content for Local Search

Making your small business stand out in a large crowd of national brands can sometimes be intimidating. Luckily, Advice Local has many ways to use locality to your advantage by integrating local SEO into your business website and helping you to tailor blog content for local search. Here are a few ways that we can optimize your customer’s searches in order to pinpoint your business in a local search.

1. Keep Your Content Local

When adding SEO to your company’s website or blog, make sure to tailor blog content for local search. In order to properly target the audience in your direct neighborhood, mention your city or district as part of your keyword. For example, if you operate a hometown pizza restaurant, try integrating your location into the wording of your post. Add terminology such as “south Chicago pizza place” that would pinpoint your particular restaurant in the city.

2. Feature Events Happening in Your Neighborhood

Let’s say that your business is hosting a charity event and donating its services to the affair. A prime way to integrate local SEO is by promoting the event on your website and mentioning its location. After the occasion is over, double up on your coverage by sharing photos of the event and reinforcing its neighborhood roots. Another local search benefit to sponsoring events is the ability to acquire quality inbound links to other organizations. This can lead to many other new hits and potential customers coming in contact with your website.

3. Keep It Seasonal

When selecting your blog topics, try keeping seasonal impacts in mind. While national brands are forced to throw a wider net to focus their attentions on all climates, use localization to your advantage by focusing on the weather in your area. If your city has particularly blistering winters or scorching hot summers, guide your local SEO to emphasize products or services that could help your customers escape the elements.

Contact our Advice Local professionals today at (855) 714-7634 to learn more about how to tailor blog content for local search.