Category: Search

Local SEO Strategies for Boosting Search Visibility

May 23rd, 2024 by

When it comes to competing with big brands for broad search terms, small and medium-sized businesses often find themselves at a disadvantage. Fortunately, that’s not the case for local SEO, where the power of listing management services, website optimization and review monitoring can transform search visibility. By focusing on local search strategies, businesses can target customers within their geographic area and gain a competitive edge. But what are the best […Read More]

11 Free SEO Tools to Be Thankful for This Season

November 29th, 2016 by

Now that the busy holiday season is officially underway, it’s more important than ever to remember to practice gratitude – even when it comes to the little things, like free SEO tools that make the workday a bit easier. These tools work best with the SEO services you use, because the advantages they render are advantageous to each in a unique way. On a day when all of America is […Read More]

Google Announces Real-Time Penguin 4.0 Update

September 23rd, 2016 by

Google announces the long anticipated Penguin 4.0 update today on the Webmaster Central Blog. Penguin Now Part of the Core Algorithm Penguin joins Panda as part of the core Google algorithm. Gone are the days of site owners having to wait on Penguin refreshes to recover from penalties. It is now real-time, so sites negatively impacted by Penguin can recover much faster. As soon as Google recrawls and reindexes your […Read More]

How To Increase Website Traffic and Ranking Authority

June 11th, 2015 by

Remember when the most important thing for building website traffic was getting incoming links to your pages? Guess what? It still is. The difference is that these days the emphasis is on quality. Only relevant, quality links count in the search engines, which is good news for business owners. You’re no longer competing with spammers who create phony sites strictly to serve as backlinks. Questionable practices such as buying and […Read More]

Is SEO Dead?

June 4th, 2015 by

The old SEO is dead. Long live the new SEO. What exactly is the new SEO? You’ve probably read or heard in a movie the old chant of the masses when a monarch dies: “The king is dead. Long live the king!” It seems a contradiction, but in fact that phrase acknowledged a prime reality of life at the time — the continuity of kingship in the midst of change. […Read More]

Today’s Search Engine Optimization Basics

August 26th, 2014 by

With approximately 90% of Web traffic starting from the search engine results and three quarters of that from the first page of the results alone, it should be obvious why SEO must become a major part of your digital marketing strategy. SEO has been around since the dawn of the Internet, and although the industry has changed enormously over the years, the goal to increase a website’s standing in the […Read More]

How to Be an Instant SEO Expert: The 1 Minute Prep for Sales Calls

July 22nd, 2014 by

Do you make outbound cold calls to new digital marketing prospects? Do you receive inbound calls and need to appear like the instant SEO expert? If you answered “yes” to either of the questions above, you need a strategy to differentiate yourself from the fifteen other knuckleheads your prospects are talking to everyday. You need to be of value. Providing value is your most important objective. If you are of value, you will […Read More]

SEO Is 90 Percent Content

April 2nd, 2014 by

Content marketing, to many of us, is the latest shiny thing, creating buzz and inviting rhetoric from companies large and small. But to the folks who’ve been in and around digital marketing for more than 10 minutes, content marketing is nothing more than media (content) publishing with the goal of acquiring customers. It’s a fact Beth Kahlich knows all to well, which is one reason I reached out to her to be […Read More]

#ContentMarketing and 7 Quick Tips To Boost Content Discovery

March 20th, 2014 by

For the past few weeks I’ve been writing about the ways that classic SEO has morphed into content marketing. That doesn’t mean, however, that we can all focus on becoming great video directors or literary giants. Even when we have high-quality content, it doesn’t promote itself. We still need to consider how our content gets found and ways that we can help the right people discover the right stuff. Here, […Read More]

Where Have All the SEO People Gone?

March 4th, 2014 by

Recently, I was thinking about the musician Pete Seeger, who died in January at the age of 94 after a long life of activism. One of his more famous songs is “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” and this title made me think of all the SEO specialists there once were, and how lately I haven’t heard much about them. Where did they all go? Content and SEO As the […Read More]