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8 Tips on How to Use Pinterest for Local Business Searches

Social MediaAs a local business owner or marketer, you have no doubt learned the importance of local searches in today’s world. Many things can contribute to your ability to be found—or not—in any local search. At Advice Local, we work with clients every day to help them learn new ways to boost their local SEO results, and today we will look specifically at how to use Pinterest for local business search benefits.

Following are eight tips on how to use Pinterest for local business that you can easily implement to help you climb the ladder of local SERPs:

1. Optimize profile elements such as account name, about section, file names, image alt text, board titles and board and pin descriptions to include location references.
2. Use place pins to create fun and engaging local boards, including interactive maps that just beg for visitors to add their own pins and spread the word even further.
3. When appropriate, use local jargon in your posts. For example, if you are in Seattle, you might cite the Hawks instead of Seahawks. Portland, Oregon businesses know that the city is often referred to as simply PDX.
4. Geo-target promoted pins to increase local relevance.
5. Check your settings to make sure that “Search Privacy” is set to “No.”
6. Follow other local businesses and repin their pins. You might just find they will reciprocate.
7. Verify your website.
8. Post regular pins that make you a true local resource.

With just a little awareness, you can quickly add local references all throughout your Pinterest
Profile and put it to work for you in a whole new way.

Contact Us for More Tips

Feel free to use these ideas or to contact the team at Advice Local at 214-310-1356 for even more tips on how to use Pinterest for local business search. Now, get pinning!