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How to Find Quality Directories for Local Citation Building

In our current era, just how influential are local citations for an SEO campaign? Although there’s some debate about the significance Google places on citations, no one disputes that listing management services are integral to successful local SEO. However, a common mistake made by some agencies – one that can negatively impact local search rankings – is selecting low-quality directories.

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Tips for Finding and Analyzing Quality Business Directories

Citations from high-quality directories contribute positively to any local SEO campaign. Yet, by including untrustworthy, spammy platforms that fail to vet the sites they list, all your hard work can be undermined. Here are some suggestions for finding the directories that will deliver exceptional results for your clients.

Start With Established Listing Platforms

Established platforms like Google Business Profile (GBP), Yelp and Bing Places for Business are safe bets for any business starting out. These platforms are essential in building a local search presence and are trusted for their authority and longevity.

Use Search Engines to Find Local Directories

Optimizing for local search involves demonstrating relevance and proximity to the searcher’s current or intended location. Local directories are effective ways to generate location-specific citations within a city or region. A simple Google search can often uncover relevant local directories.

Get Recommendations From Local Listing Services

A local business listing service submits data to directories for clients. A central part of this process is analyzing the directories to ensure they meet the listing service’s strict standards for inclusion in their network. Through strategic partnerships and relationship building, agencies can receive up-to-date info on solid platforms, as well as those that have lost search engine trust.

Trust Data Aggregators to Syndicate Business Information

Data aggregators submit business data to a network of directories, mapping apps and search engines at once. Working with top providers like Foursquare, Data Axle and Localeze lets you leverage their expertise in evaluating each platform in their network.

Find Platforms With High Domain Authority

Premier listing platforms (called data enhancers) offer high domain authority, trust with search engines, along with an existing user base. From YellowPages and BrownBook to BubbleLife and Judy’s Book, while each site has its own spin they are connected via their adherence to quality.

Identify Vertical Directories in Your Niche

Many of your business clients will operate in niches with dedicated listing platforms. Lawyers, doctors, restaurants and real estate are just some of the industries with niche-specific directories that are full of potential for local SEO. Search Google for business directories, adding the relevant niche keyword.

Analyze Each Directory for User Experience

Before adding a listing, make sure to check the pros and cons of the platform. Use your favorite SEO tool to analyze domain authority and trust scores, look for signs of intrusive ads and spam, assess the site’s layout and read the signup rules.

Work With Trusted Listing Management Services

Working with a dedicated listing management service allows you to tap into an existing network of pre-screened platforms. For a prime example of a wide-ranging collection of trusted platforms, just look at Advice Local’s Data Amplifier Network – the one that is available with our real-time submission service.

Try Our Top-Tier Listing Management Services

Advice Local makes listing management easy with our comprehensive distribution service and unrivaled data network. Our local search technologies help digital agencies and local marketers deliver for their clients every day. To try our listing management service call (214) 310-1356, or request a demo today.